Body Bone Mappings

Open the body bone mappings asset and set a skeletal mesh that uses the same skeleton used by the hand bone mappings.

Next press the Auto-fill bone mappings button.

As per the hand bone mappings, review that all the auto-assigned bones are correct. The skeleton in this example did miss the football bones.

Again, as per the hand bone mappings, depending on the skeleton certain bones may be completely missing. If that is the case, press Auto-fill excluded bones.

Next the head rotation of the skeleton may need to be adjusted, use the head delta to fix any unexpected rotations in the head.

Finally, make sure that the skeleton specified has its Y axis forward using Epic’s skeleton convention. If this is not the case and the skeleton used has its X axis forward for example change the SkeletonMeshFacingForwardAxis property value. There are two ways to find out the skeleton facing forward axis:

  1. In the viewport of the body bone mappings use the skeletal mesh forward facing and the viewport axis gizmo in the bottom left.

  2. Drag and drop a skeletal mesh that uses the skeleton that has been used so far in a level and observe the forward pointing axis when working in relative space.

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