Running the Experience

This section outlines the process for deploying and running your VR experience across multiple player machines using the Existent plugin within Unreal Engine. It includes steps from building the application to initiating the multiplayer experience within a VR-based lobby. Follow these instructions to ensure a smooth launch and engaging multiplayer setup.

Deploying the Application:

  1. Build the Application: Once your VR experience is ready, build the application from your development environment. Ensure the build includes all necessary components of the Existent plugin and any customizations you’ve implemented.

  2. Distribute the Application: Copy the built application to each player machine. This step requires physical access to the machines or a networked solution for file transfer to ensure each player machine has the latest version of the VR experience.

  3. Running the Application on Server PC: You need to run the copied application on 1 machine that will act as a Listen Server using the command UE4Editor.exe ProjectName MapName?Listen -log. Note down the IP of the PC that acts as a Listen Server.

  4. Running the Application on Client PCs: Now you can run the application on the Client PCs depending on number of players you need. Run the built project .exe file with the following command-line arguments: UE4Editor.exe ProjectName ServerIP -game

If you are working on a single-player experience or just want to test something on a developer machine you can just run the .exe built file without using any special command.

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