Duplicating the Starter Level

  1. Begin by duplicating MAP_StarterLevel provided with the plugin. An easy way to do this is by navigating to β€œAll” in the Content Browser, typing MAP_StarterLevel into the search bar, then dragging the level asset into the Content folder, and selecting β€œCopy here”. Rename it so you can differentiate it from the level asset in the plugin.

  2. Note: If you can’t find the asset, make sure you have β€œShow Engine Content” and β€œShow Plugin Content” options enabled in the Settings dropdown of the Content Browser.

  3. Open the newly created level by double clicking the asset.

  4. In Project Settings, under Project β†’ Maps & Modes, set the new map as the Editor Startup Map, as well as Game Default Map.

  5. (Optional) You may now delete the content that came with the project template unless you wish to use it in your project.

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