Setting up Player Pawns & Animations

This section guides developers through creating a player pawn, including adjustments to skeletal meshes and animation blueprints within the Existent Start Map. Follow these steps to customise your player pawns and animations.

  1. Create a new Blueprint Actor that inherits from ExistentPlayer;

  2. Edit the blueprint, create a new TrackerMapping asset and set it on the root component of your player. Within the TrackerMapping you’ve created, use the asset editor to set the location of the HMD, hand and feet trackers to where your players will physically wear them.

  3. On the Player Body component, set the Animation Blueprint to either AB_3Point for upper body tracking or AB_5Point for full body tracking. You can customise this with your own animation blueprints later.

  4. Save and exit the player blueprint, create a blueprint that inherits from ExistentGameMode.

Within that blueprint set the default player pawn to the new player blueprint you just created and ensure that Existent Player Pawn Classes has no elements in it.

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