

The ExistentUMGWindowComponent is a component designed to create and manage UMG (Unreal Motion Graphics) widgets as separate OS-level windows (2D). This component facilitates the display of complex UI elements, such as inspection panels or control interfaces, in standalone windows outside the main game viewport.

Key Features

  • Standalone Window Creation: Allows UMG widgets to be opened in new, separate OS-level windows, enabling multi-window user interfaces within Unreal Engine applications.

  • Customizable Window Properties: Supports customization of the window's appearance and behavior, including position, size, title bar presence, OS-native border usage, and draggability.

  • Flexible UI Management: Provides functionalities to dynamically add or remove UI elements based on game state or user interaction, enhancing the adaptability of the UI.

How to use

  • Initialization: Add the ExistentUMGWindowComponent to an actor in your scene, typically an actor related to UI management or the player character.

  • Widget Creation: Design your UMG widget in the Unreal Engine Editor, incorporating the desired UI elements and functionalities.

  • Open Window: Use the OpenAsWindow function to create a new window containing your widget. Customize the window's properties as needed.

  • Interaction Handling: Implement interaction logic within your widget, responding to user actions and updating the UI accordingly.

  • Window Closure: Optionally, handle the window's closure through the CloseWindow function or by responding to the WindowCloseCallback delegate.

Additional Details

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